BSI achieves Notified Body status from the European Commission to certify organizations to the new Gas Appliance Regulation (GAR)

27 February 2017

On 21 April 2018, the Gas Appliance Regulation (GAR) will become law for manufacturers selling gas appliances and “fittings” into the European Union market. BSI, the business standards company, has become the first UK certification body to receive official notification by the European Commission to become a Notified Body under the new Gas Appliance Regulation (GAR). To gain this accredited status, BSI’s processes and expertise were independently reviewed and audited by the United Kingdom Accreditation Service (UKAS).

This appointment as a Notified Body means that BSI is now able to support current and new clients in meeting their obligations under the new law, and help them to achieve the certification required to conduct business within the EU.

The new Regulation will replace the EU Gas Appliances Directive and brings a number of changes for gas appliance and fitting manufacturers. One of the most significant changes is that the Regulation will move away from having several country-specific requirements and replace them with one consistent set of rules across the entire European Union and associated free trade areas. There is no transition period, therefore all products placed on the market after 21 April 2018 will have to comply with the new GAR.

Graham McKay, Global Head of Gas & Electrical Products at BSI said:

“We’re very pleased to be the first UK certification body to achieve notification to the new Gas Appliance Regulation and this demonstrates that our processes and expertise in these matters have been rigorously and independently tested, proving that the certificates we issue are both credible and impartial.

“We’re delighted that we can give this assurance to our customers and stakeholders within the gas appliances and fittings industry and look forward to helping new and existing customers transition to the new Regulation over the next few months. We’d encourage those in the industry that haven’t yet considered the new law to start preparing for the transition now.”

For more details, please visit the  BSI blog here 

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